
A retreat in everyday life.

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What is Ignite?

Feeling spiritually sluggish?
Ignite is like an exercise routine for your soul built around praying daily, fasting from distractions, and striving for freedom with a community, all with the goal of finding and living the life God is calling you to.

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Why should I do Ignite?

  • Do I feel rushed as go about my day?
  • Do I wish I knew what God wants me to do with my life?
  • Am I looking for new ways to pray?
  • Am I distracted a lot of the time?
  • Should I take better care of my body?
  • Is my day to day life often unfulfilling?
  • Do I want to get to know Jesus more personally?
  • Do I have any bad or sinful habits I want to escape from?
  • Am I consuming more than is good for the environment?
  • Is God calling me to do more to serve him?
  • Do I get chances to talk to my friends about things that are important to me?
  • Ignite is all about freedom: Freedom from the things that make you less yourself and freedom to be the person God is calling you to be. Through Prayer, Fasting, and Community, it’s possible to slowly be freed from the negative spiritual, physical, and mental habits we can get stuck to. If any of those questions struck you, continue to think and pray about whether Ignite might be a worthwhile path to freedom.


    Ignite is rooted in three equally important pillars of spiritual success.


    Retreatants in Ignite learn to listen in prayer more than talk. Daily prayer in Ignite involves reading a reflection, spending quiet time with God, and reflecting back on your day looking for God’s presence.

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    Sometimes it’s spiritually renewing to step back from material possessions and distractions for a few weeks. Ignite gives you an opportunity to decide what’s most shallow in your life, be it social media, junk food, or whatever, and give it up for a few weeks to be filled with something deeper.

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    Prayer and fasting are difficult and rewarding. Ignite forms a small community to support one another through difficulties and share the spiritual fruits.

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    How long is the retreat?

    51 days. Ignite begins when Lent begins, on Ash Wednesday, and ends five days after Easter. The first three movements match the 40 days of Lent, and the fourth movement starts on Easter Sunday.

    I'm pretty busy, will I have time for this retreat?

    Yes! Ignite does involve more time in prayer than most people are used to, but it also cuts out a lot of small time-wasters in your day. 100% of Ignite Beta testers said they had just as much or more free time while doing Ignite.

    Who leads the retreat?

    Each community has one “coordinator” who is responsible for beginning the meetings and finding a time and place when all the members can meet. Besides that, the coordinator is just an ordinary member. All instructions are given through the app, and ultimately God leads each retreatant through Ignite.

    What if I don’t have anyone to join in a community?

    When you sign up, you'll have the option to join your friends, create your own, or be matched up with an existing community! No matter what, Ignite makes sure that you'll have companionship throughout the retreat.

    Weekly meetings? Giving up electronics? How am I supposed to do Ignite during COVID?

    It's not as hard as you think! As a group, you can decide how best to stay safe and healthy by meeeting socially distanced on or off campus or virtually. Ignatian spirituality is all about freely making wise decisions, so if you discern that some electronics are an important part of staying connected, that's perfectly allowed! Just be honest and prayerful as you decide what practices will best lead you to God during Ignite.

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